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Cardio and strength training

Cardiovascular activity not only burns calories during the exercise, it also increases your metabolism to burn fat when you are at rest.  

How much cardio should you perform? 

If your aim is to burn fat and lose weight then aim for at least four sessions of medium to high intensity cardio workouts a week. If you want to build muscle as well as hold off fat, you should only do one or two. If all you want is to build muscle you can hold off the cardio altogether.

How intense should your cardio workout be?

Long lasting, medium intensity cardio causes your body to lose fat and a small amount of muscle. Short, high intensity cardio causes your body to lose fat but preserves more muscle. Long lasting, low intensity cardio does not cause many changes at all. So, to help your strength training, the best cardio to perform is shorter, higher intensity workouts. this is because your body thinks it needs muscle to cope with the high intensity, whereas the lower intensity, long lasting exercise causes your body to think it needs to lose some bulk (i.e. muscle as well as fat!)

Diet and cardio

When performing cardio it is essential that you get plenty of calories. If you don’t feed your body enough food, your metabolism will slow down to make up for what your body sees as starvation during a physically hard time. It tries to hold on to fat for protection. Give it food and it will know it can happily lose the fat and still flourish.

When to perform cardio

You should do your cardio workout whenever you feel most energetic. It is best to have a small meal about an hour beforehand. You should not do cardio on a full stomach, not only because this would be uncomfortable and give you a stomach ache or the stitch, but also because you need to give your body time for the insulin levels to drop (insulin is releases after eating, especially carbs) as insulin interferes with growth hormone secretion - essential for development, repair and growth of muscle.

Why you should eat breakfast before a morning workout

You should also not do cardio on a totally empty stomach when you are hungry, for example, after having just got up. After sleeping, your body is not warmed up enough to do a beneficial cardio session and it lacks energy and is more likely to suffer injury and slow down metabolism. Contrary to popular belief, you won’t burn more fat first thing in a morning, you may actually lose muscle due to your body being in a slight catabolic state on no food. Breakfast revs up your metabolism and gives you the energy you need to benefit from cardio.

Combining cardio with weights

Ideally you should do cardio and weight workouts on different days. However, if you want to do them on the same day in the same workout, it is best to perform weights first, after warming up with a little light cardio.

Intensity is more critical to weight training than to cardio. This is why you need most of your strength still in your muscles for effective weights, not used up by the cardio. 

In a little more detail...

Why you should do weights before cardio

You body uses two kinds of energy - glycogen and fat. Weight training is a short burst, high intensity anaerobic exercise, which can only use glycogen for fuel. In contrast, cardio is a longer lasting exercise which uses fat as well as glycogen for fuel. 

If you do your weights first, this depletes your glycogen reserves, leaving just fat to be used by your cardio workout. This is what we want to reduce fat and build muscle. 

But if we do cardio first, the body will always choose to bur glycogen rather than fat (it likes to store fat in case of a starvation emergency) so the cardio will use up your glycogen, leaving nothing left for the muscles to use in your weight workout, as they can’t use fat for fuel.

Muscles too tired for cardio?

Unfortunately, some people find their muscles feel too tired after a good weights session to be able to do a cardio workout afterwards. This can be avoided by steering clear of leg workouts before a cardio session and concentrating on arms that day. Also, the stronger you become, the more you will be able to do and, when your legs get stronger, you won’t find cardio after weights so difficult. 






Bench press

Shoulder press

Bicep curl

Tricep extension


Chin ups and pull ups

Power lifting

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